Ani is a designer that loves telling stories and making things look beautiful.

He also enjoys hiking, taking long walks and he listens to his all favorite songs on repeat.

I'm particularly fond of the photochromic lenses accidentally matching the beautiful foliage behind me. It's almost always the little things that leave us happier!

About Ani

Anietie is a designer with a decade of experience. His creative adventures span across different mediums ranging from design to animation and photography. He believes everything can be made better with a little extra effort, and he translates that ethos to all the work he does.

He is very comfortable working in different capacities, depending on the demands of the project. Whether it’s research, illustrating, designing, animating, filming or facilitating workshops, he brings a passion for quality and a high level of creativity that is difficult to match.

When he’s not working he’s taking a long nap, taking a long walk, or spending time laughing with friends and family. 

Core Skills

  • Web Design
  • iOS and Android App Design
  • UX Research
  • Usability Testing
  • No Code Design
  • Illustration
  • Animation
  • Motion Graphic Design


  • Figma
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Bootstrap
  • HTML & CSS